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Budget a winner for Maori

Its budget 2022 and Maori are significant winners with an estimated $1.2 billion in vote Maori that includes an additional $166 million for whanau ora, Health, Housing and much more. It is the single largest investment into Maori development in more than a generation. Matthew Tukaki, the Chair of the National Maori Authority has said the investment will see Kaupapa sitting front and center as the country emerges from COVID19:

“Lets be really clear here – the investments across the board from health and housing, whanau ora and education, the mental health and addictions sector and more will benefit Maori. The additional funding also for Ngā Tini Whetū shows that the partnership with the Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency is not just working – but is proving” Tukaki said

“The investment into Maori workforce and capability of $39 million is in addition to $155 Million of investments into the Māori trades training and supporting businesses to employ more Māori. And it increases even further with investments into Education ($200 million), $47 million into full immersion Maori language programmes, $41 million for Maori

broadcasting. These are great investments to further strengthen and build Te Ao Maori”

“The budget is exactly what I was hoping for in terms of investing in Maori potential and while I always say lets go further the fact is the Government is delivering for Maori – and when Maori are healthy and well the nation is health and well” Tukaki said

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