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Maori Council stands beside our Muslim whanau and communities against evil – statement in respect of

Maori Council stands beside our Muslim whanau and communities against evil – statement in respect of Christchurch

“The New Zealand Maori Council stands with our Muslim brothers and sisters; whanau, on this darkest of days in the history of our nation. We must not only stand with them, we need to be there for them in the days, weeks and months to come.” Said Council Executive Director, Matthew Tukaki

“These are dark and evil days when someone walks into a place of faith with the objective of taking the lives of the innocent, of whanau, of men and women – of children and the elderly. But; it is on this darkest of days we need to stand as one against hate, against discrimination and against evil” said Tukaki

“Many New Zealanders will be searching for answers. Many have questions. Today, this evening; we need to give things to the many emergency workers and police who stepped in to an unfolding situation all the time putting their own lives at risk.” Said Tukaki

“I can tell all New Zealanders, all Maori, that as we stand together we must never be divided. On behalf of the New Zealand Maori Council i know I spoke for all of us, across our sixteen districts of the motu that we will always stand side by side with those in need of our aroha, of our support.” Tukaki said

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