Capacity and Capability Building Series
Auckland I Wellington I Christchurch
Capacity and Capability Building Series
The Basics
Workshop: Revenue diversification and governance
Who should attend? CEO’s, Board Members, CFO’s, Finance Directors, Executive Directors, General Managers
Key learning outcome: How to build a stronger more agile organisation by ensuring you have the right governance structures in place
This one day workshop seeks to provide Maori organisations with an understanding and overview of best practice when it comes revenue diversification and best practice governance.
Revenue Diversification:
Revenue diversification is fundamentally important when it comes to organisational growth and development as well as being able to insulate itself from a fall back in traditional revenue lines such as government funding. This workshop will focus specifically on the following learning outcomes:
Introduction: what is revenue diversification
How to diversify revenue and create new revenue generating products and services
The importance of cash flow management and planning
How to forecast for growth
Why investing in core business is the key to growth
Governance is a serious issue for a range of organisations and ensuring you have best practice framework is important. In this half day intensive workshop we take you through the core elements of what best practice governance frameworks are, why they are important and why they can be useful to your organisation to assist in its growth or development.
We take a look at what defines good members, how to build performance indicators around individual members and the broader board, developing board member job descriptions, why the constitution or trust deed is important and why it is sometimes necessary to ensure that board performance is both measured and understood.
This step through process will provide you with the skills and tools necessary to head back to your organisation and conduct an initial review of current structures and to plan ahead of the implementation of potential new and improved processes and frameworks.
Specifically we will focus on the following:
What does a best practice governance framework look like
Why is it important to have best practice governance frameworks in place for iwi organisations
How to identify and attract talent
Building a performance management framework for board members
Building and developing individual role descriptions for board members
Why an organisations constitution or trust deed is so important
Cost for attending:
$495 per person
Maximum number of attendees:
20 participants per location
Auckland: 4th of Sept
Wellington: 18th of Sept
Christchurch: 11th Sept
Bookings are made via EventBrite